Saturday, October 08, 2011

Blackberry Muffins and No Playoffs

So, if the Yankees had won I was supposed to go to the American League Playoffs tonight. Instead I stayed home and made sloppy joes and blackberry muffins. Oh well. Here's a picture of the giant screen at Yankee Stadium when I was there for game one of the ALDS before it started pouring.

The blackberry muffin recipe is very similar to the raspberry lemon ones I made a while back in my blog. I guess I am a creature of habit. I'll try to try newer things in the future. I was thinking of making pear muffins but I didn't think the pears would be ripe enough. When I got to the store I saw they were pretty ripe but I hadn't brought the list of ingredients with me that I needed. Anyway, this recipe is from the William Sonoma Muffin Cookbook (2003), p.38. The blackberries were tarter than the raspberry recipe. I think I liked the muffin part of the raspberry recipe better, but these were still good.

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