Saturday, June 28, 2008

Jetlag is Setting In, I think

It's my second night in California and I still feel like it's three hours later. So, I'm feeling really tired and waking up way too early.

This morning I went to this place called the Original Pancake House and I had a pancake that was more like an apple pie. It was really really good, but way too big. I actually craved salad at lunchtime after eating that.

I attended one meeting today, the OCLC Symposium. It was pretty good. I got a lot of inspiration from the speakers. Hopefully I will refer to my notes when I return to work. There is a lot of controversy in libraryland lately because there is a group of people who want to do away with everything old and on the other extreme there is the group that never wants to give up the old. I have seen that a lot in the last few conferences and it is getting pretty frustrating that people can't seem to find a middle ground, etc.

I decided I might as well go to Disneyland after I checked and found out that it is open until Midnight tonight. So, I got there at 5:30 and I was pretty tired by 10:30 and came back to the hotel. Their Cinderella Castle is way small. I like the one in Orlando much better. I loaded some pictures of the fireworks on my flickr page.

Tomorrow I have a pretty full day, but I'm looking forward to it.

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