Sort of Tandoori Chicken
This week I chose the Bristol, Connecticut Hospital's cook book from 1988 called Tastefully Done : What's Cooking? at Bristol Hospital. (I don't know why the question mark is where it is in the title. I took this from my late grandmother's house when we were cleaning out her things when she passed on. This is the first time I really looked at it. I'm thinking I won't want to cook most of the recipes. So, it's a candidate for weeding from my "collection".
This Tandoori Chicken recipe from page 78 looked pretty good and easy. You just had to marinate it overnight in yogurt, vinegar, and spices. I mixed up the marinade last night and baked it tonight. It was okay. The recipe said "brown vinegar" and I stupidly thought that meant balsamic vinegar, but I think it meant malt vinegar. I could really taste the balsamic and I don't think that was how it was supposed to taste. I don't know if I'll make this again. It was okay, but I'm not sure I want it again. I'll eat the leftovers, of course. I got kind of lazy and made Rice-a-Roni with it instead of using basmati rice. As you can see, I wasn't too lazy to garnish it with lemons ;)

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