Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Adios Geocities....

Okay..I spent the last hour or so deleting my files on Geocities. I had my account since 1997, I think. I can remember it like it was only yesterday, everyone was all excited about getting to make a web site and they had to learn html! You used to find a "neighborhood" and your web site had a sort of street address. I found some really old pics of myself in my files I had saved there like this spiffy Glamour Shots pic of myself. Remember back in the late 80's how everyone just had to go to the mall and get their Glamour Shots? My mom went with me and she wore a western outfit in hers. I remember that because she has it hanging on the wall still at home.

After my post last night, I did some more thinking and I thought I would like to still have a web page so I can post things like my Yankee tickets and it can be a starting page to all the other junk I have out there. Oh sorry, this week we are calling it "cloud computing". I looked at some free web servers. First I tried Weebly. I didn't like it at all. I couldn't figure out how to just type in html. I know things are getting easier for people who don't know how to develop their own sites. But jeez. I gave up. Then I found Webng and it seemed to be retro enough for me. It's got a banner ad on top which is slightly less annoying than the side ad's that were on Geocities. Anyway, I went with that. So this is my new url: Nice!

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