This was a big eating weekend for me and my Mom. We went to see "Wicked" in New York and we stayed at the Marriott with my Marriott Points. We went for brunch at Bryant Park Grill. It was good, but not really worth 27 dollars.
We went to the matinee for the musical. I thought the show was pretty good but I don't really see how people seem to get addicted to it and need to pay to see it multiple times...just my opinion. It seems to have a cult following and people were being really noise and talking through it. Not a good environment for first timers. Good show though...
After the show we went for dinner at Artisanal. It was really really really really good. I think it will be one of my new favorite restaurants along with Union Square Cafe. I had the artisanal fondue. I thought I was in heaven. After that, we met my friends Erika and Deborah at Veniero's. That was really great. It's an old-school pastry shop and we will definitely be returning. Sunday morning Mom and I went to Norma's and it really was very nice. Definitely deserves the "best breakfast" in New York status.
Thankfully we did a lot of walking so I don't think I gained too much from visiting all those restaurants.