Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

… if anyone is reading my blog.

I had a good Christmas spent with my parents and my brother. I got a lot of nice gifts. We had prime rib for dinner and mostly we just relaxed the entire day. Tomorrow my Mom and I are going to try and hit the sales.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Pajama bottoms aren't pants...

Gosh I haven’t blogged in a while. Eleven days! December has been so busy. I finished my shopping last Saturday. Then I’m off for three days starting Monday, of course.

I want to rant about something today…Pajama bottoms aren’t pants. You know what I mean.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Weekend Recap...again

It seems like I only post stuff about the weekend. I guess I’m so busy working during the week that I never post anything about the week.

This weekend I did some shopping with my Mom. Then today I went for a steak with my brother. It was pretty good. I started writing Christmas cards tonight.

I need to do more shopping. Maybe I can get it done tomorrow after work…

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Belated Weekend Recap

Last Saturday I went to the Guilford Art Center. I really didn’t see anything that caught my eye but it was a nice store. After I went there I drove down to the Guilford Green and checked out the stores there. It was very nice. They had quaint shops and restaurants. I will have to go back again when the weather isn’t’ so cold.

On Sunday I went to the city and had my brunch club at The Irish Rogue on West 44th Street. The food was good but the portions were small. On Saturday, 20 people had signed up for the brunch. Six people showed up. That’s all I’m saying…. The people who showed up were the cool people anyway. I found a pottery shop in Hell’s Kitchen that had really cool stuff. I will definitely be back there.

I saw my MP3 player on Amazon for 50 dollars less than I paid for it. Grrr.

Friday, December 01, 2006


Tonight I made macaroni and cheese w/ ground beef….not very healthy I guess. But I didn’t eat that much today. I was boiling the water for the Kraft Deluxe Mac and Cheese and I poured the whole box in packet of cheese and all. I guess I was daydreaming. That’s the first time I ever did that.

I’ve just been taking it easy tonight. I added some links to the side of my blog: My Yahoo profile so you can see my pic, my myspace (no reason) and my personal web site.

I think I’ll start a rant. We were discussing social networking sites at work today. So, here it goes. I feel like I am one of those people who is going to say “I used to walk to school 2 miles in the snow”. But I’m sorry to all the people who say check out my “web site” and the link is to their myspace profile..that’s not a web site. What you’re showing us is a link to your profile. I have a myspace account that I barely ever use. Mostly I use it to look at other myspace user’s accounts. I really don’t see the point of advertising to the world who your online “friends” are. I especially think it’s funny how people advertise that they have all these half-dressed guys and girls on their pages. “Look at me. I’m sexy and I have half-naked sexy friends.”

I’d better shut up now.